Your Week in Review

What a busy week we had in the library! On Monday the Glass Knife had a writing contest during lunch (and your narrator can confirm that these were some of the best-ever entries!), and on Tuesday during lunch Ms. Melinson served up some tasty desserts to accompany her advisory gathering.

Wednesday and Thursday we had the MS Book Club Elective class come in to check out books, as well as Ms. Little’s English class to snag some literary classics for a project. We checked back with one of the classes on Friday and caught them in the act of reading! We were very proud.

Ms. Nellis’ 9th Grade History classes visited on Friday to begin research for their Ancient Civilizations projects. Between all the classes, we had a pancake frenzy going on outside! Check out Ms. J in the photo above slinging some tasty pancakes and rocking the coolest apron we’ve seen in a long time.

To top off the week, Ms. Melinson had a pop-up self-serve tea station set up in the library. It was a wonderful end to a chilly, rainy week!

Last Week in Review: Glass Knife Retreat Edition

Last week we had a flurry of activity in the library, otherwise known as Finals Week. After observing Martin Luther King Day on Monday, we had a library full of High Schoolers looking to escape the rain between taking their finals.

Perhaps the most exciting activity we had last week was the Glass Knife retreat. Staff gathered on Thursday for several hours to plan this year’s magazine. They feasted on a buffet of Thai food before getting down to the nitty gritty details.

We were also pleased to have the 7th Grade History class in to work on their Renaissance Faire characters with a “choose your own adventure”-style site that the library made for them.

Week in Review: Tea Time Edition


This week we celebrated National Letter Writing Week. We had our fancy letter-writing station set up in the library during school for folks to drop by during free time and write a letter to a friend, pen pal, or author. We stamped and mailed them on Friday.

Tuesday we had our first-ever tea tasting during lunch. It was a wild success! We had a variety of teas to choose from (some of which were generously donated by faculty!). In fact, so many people joined us for a cup of tea that Ms. Melinson decided we should make it a weekly event.

On Wednesday, Julia (our Leadership Lunch Coordinator) gave a great presentation about body image during lunch. We had a sold-out crowd!

Mr. G’s 8th Grade science class spent some quality time in the library this week to work on their ~*Extreme!*~*Weather!*~ projects. Students spent class time doing research on tornadoes, floods, hurricanes, and other not-fun weather situations. Their final product will be a detailed poster about their assigned disaster. Good luck, guys!

Last Week in Review: Musical Friday Edition

Can you believe it’s 2016 already? We can’t! Last week flew by as we welcomed back the class of 2015 for the alumni lunch and student panel, where last year’s class enjoyed a feast of pizza with current Seniors and High School teachers in the library. Afterward they headed over to the MP room to chat about their first college semesters.

Ms. Melinson hosted a very productive Glass Knife meeting—and though the planning/plotting of this year’s book is top secret, sources say that it is coming along swimmingly.

We also kicked off National Letter Writing Week (January 7th-15th)! Until this Friday, we’ll have our letter-writing station set up for anyone that wants to come practice the art of putting pen to paper for the sake of good ‘ol fashioned corresponding! We have fancy paper, cards, and envelopes for your perusal. We’ll be stamping and mailing all the letters on Friday, the 15th, so there’s still plenty of time to get in on the action. Don’t have any pen pals? Why not send a letter to an author? Inside sources say that sometimes…they write you back. Just sayin’.

And finally, we enjoyed some delightful classical music on Friday. Once a month we’ll be playing soothing tunes from our classical music collection in the spirit of promoting a super-chill atmosphere!

January Book Club


The holidays may be over, but the weather outside sure was frightful for our first Book Club of 2016. And since we couldn’t build a fire to make it delightful, we had hot apple cider and brownies instead!

The overall topics for this book club ranged from economic hit men (thanks, Johann!), to Bill Nye (the Science Guy!)’s new book about climate change, and some good ‘ol fashioned dystopian literature to match the cold and rainy weather we’ve been having this week.

And we all witnessed the truly rare moment of Ms. Melinson admitting, perhaps for the first time ever, that The Princess Bride movie was actually better than the book. She did not like the way the author interjected the fairy tale with his own fake “life story”—it was distracting and, frankly, not very interesting. Drats!

We had a handful of fantastic recommendations during this book club (including one that tells us 1,000 foods to eat before we die, and also a handful of hilarious Star Wars-themed titles), and we think that you should find out more about them over here on our Goodreads page.