Week in Review: French Music & Speakeasies

This week started off with Ms. Burns’ 7th graders back in the library on Monday as they learned how to make websites for their Biome projects. Soon they’ll be using WebQuest with each other’s websites. On Wednesday we were treated to a lunchtime performance by Cafe Panache, a band that plays French cafe songs from the 1930s and 1940s. On Thursday Mr. Wells’ English classes were in for a Sophomore Project work day and back again on Friday for a work day in Mr. Crabb’s History class. The Glass Knife held their Fall Speakeasy and Open Mic Poetry & Music event on Friday, where students shared poems (including originals) and noshed on snacks.


Our kids are really into puzzling! Check out their completed work on Instagram.

Week in Review: Halloween and Biomes

This week was filled with costumes and 7th graders as we headed into November and finally, it seems, Fall. On Monday the Glass Knife had their Halloween bake sale at lunch to benefit their upcoming retreat. On Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday Ms. Burns’ 7th graders were in to work on their Biome projects and find books related to their topic. On Halloween they got to watch a creepy video of the Cordyceps fungus in action–you can see the horror in some of their faces as they watch. Also on Halloween, students and teachers really brought their “A” game. Check out our Halloween slideshow for the great costumes!

On Thursday Doctora Portillo, Mrs. Vayner, and their students set up an ofrenda, an altar for Dia De Los Muertos. Also on Thursday Mr. Crabb’s 10th graders were in to for their weekly Sophomore Project work day. Friday was Rockvemberfest where students met with their advisors about their grades, played boards games in the library (and other games around campus), and had a rockin’ talent show. Before the festivities, Ms. Melinson’s advisory had a yummy breakfast of pancakes and Peruvian fried rice.