Week in Review

March is Music in Our Schools Month and we were delighted with performances by the High School choir, band, and orchestra on Tuesday.

On Wednesday we had our monthly Leadership Lunch featuring Atsuo, who talked about his experience playing piano at Carnegie Hall and the rigorous practice it took to get there. Here are two of the pieces Atsuo shared: Polonaise in A-flat major, Op. 53 (Chopin) and Prelude in G minor, Op. 23, No. 5 (Rachmaninoff)

On Thursday Ms. Bauman put on a panel about summer internships, which featured seniors talking about their experiences at the internships.

Week in Review

It’s been non-stop this week at the Matthews Library! All this week Ms. LaComb’s 7th graders have been coming in to research Feudal Japan for their projects.

On Monday we began March Madness with Mr. Kuiper’s and Ms. Lyon’s history classes. Students chose books based on their covers and first lines. Check back in April to see how the books fare!

On Tuesday the Candy Fairy gave candy to the classes who sent in selfies during the All School Read on Read Across America day.

Tuesday was also the second meeting of the Harry Potter Club where students discussed taking over next month’s Book Club and making it Harry Potter themed.

On Wednesday we had our monthly Book Club, which you can read all about here!

Friday was the Renaissance Faire where students proceeded through the campus, then to the lower school for the Maypole Dance, and feasted with Lords and Ladies in the middle school quad. From there, life in the Renaissance is represented through various guilds. Check out the botanical books from the Apothecary that students worked on in the library!


March Book Club

On Wednesday we had our monthly Book Club for students and faculty to share what they’ve been reading. Ms. Melinson started us off by talking about one of the library’s new books Piecing Me Together and A Man Called Ove (pronounced Oo-vuh).

Heloise read A Tale for the Time Being and enjoyed the changing perspectives between chapters. She recommends this book if you like multiple universes, diaries, and awesome Buddhist nuns. Anny said she reread the Heir series by Cinda Williams Chima and caught new details she had previously missed while skim reading it before. Anny also mentioned looking forward to the release of the Fablehaven sequel.

Dr. Bell talked about a book he’d read called I am a Cat, which surprisingly enough, is narrated by a snarky cat who observes human nature during the Meiji era.

Josh read Atlas Obscura: An Explorer’s Guide to the World’s Hidden Wonders, a bucket-list-worthy book about weird and wacky places across the world. Josh also read Bruce Springsteen’s biography, Born to Run, which he described as having a weird and wacky writing style similar to Springsteen’s music.

Mr. Cunningham mentioned a few books he read including How to Set a Fire and WhyYou Too Can Have a Body Like Mine, and Lincoln in the Bardo. Mr. Cunningham said he liked reading author’s first novels because they’re more raw and it gives a glimpse into their post-college writing. And speaking of glimpses, Mr. Cunningham also mentioned an article from George Saunders, author of Lincoln in the Bardo, called “What Writers Really Do When They Write”, which talks about what writers go through when they write.

Alexis mentioned reading the new Carrie Fisher autobiography, The Princess Diarist, which discusses Fisher’s time on the set of Star Wars. Alexis described Fisher as an underrated and eloquent writer, though also controversial.

To find out about all of the books we talked about, check out our Goodreads page!

Week in Review: Read Across America edition

It’s been a fun and busy week in the Matthews Library.

All week Ms. Burns’ 7th graders have been coming in to research and draw plants for their booklets for the upcoming Renaissance Faire. Students made use of the library’s ample windows to help with their sketches.

Our big event this week was Read Across America day! The library was transformed into The Lava Lounge with lots of comfy pillows, bean bags, pods, and a super awesome fort.

We also had the Starbooks Cafe with tea and snacks and a selfie station where students could take bookish photos. During the All School Read, teachers were encouraged to take selfies with their classes for treats (expect the Candy Fairy soon!) Check out our post featuring class selfies.

Friday was the Sophomore Moratorium where 10th graders filled the library to work on their Sophomore Projects.