Creative Writing Gets Punny

Ms. Melinson’s Creative Writing Class took over the Room of Requirement last week. They had to create puns for some underwater sea stamps so they put them to use on greeting cards. Some of the puns? Fishing you a happy day. Do you think the ocean is salty because the beach didn’t wave back? I treasure you (if you don’t like this pun, I don’t want to “sea” you anymore.) Holy crab! You just mermaid my day! The kids also wrote poetry inspired by Poetry Inspiration Kits that they made for each other.

Week in Review: Finals Edition


If you haven’t noticed, it’s been a bit warm this week at SCDS. We’ve been enjoying the air-conditioned oasis here in the library, while temperatures have soared into triple digits outside (gross). After taking the day off to celebrate Memorial Day on Monday, students hit the ground running to prepare for finals at the end of the week. Ms. Melinson’s advisory had an impromptu “destress before finals” lunch from Cafe Bernardo on Wednesday to get in the study game!


During their lunch, look what arrived! What’s in those boxes? Could it be the 2015-2016 Glass Knife, hot off the press? Perhaps…

Ms. Melinson visited the Middle School this week to catch a few of the 6th Grade Passion Project presentations, where students shared the fruits of their labor. Arikta iced cupcakes (remember when Chef Sean taught them how?), Rex talked about learning business practices through lemonade stands (turns out you rake in the $$$ if you mention why you’re selling lemonade!), and Charlie-Rose made DIY play-dough! We’re impressed with the final results of all the Passion Projects—good job 6th Grade!

And to end the week, we were delighted to host an engagement celebration for our own Mr. Grunst and Ms. Burns! They’ll be tying the knot over summer break, and Ms. Melinson made a very appropriate centerpiece for the occasion:


Last Week in Review: Senior Edition


Last week started with a musical birthday surprise! Yasmin impressed us with her birthday outfit and a balloon that played the “birthday song.” The writer of this post was quite surprised to discover that balloons could be musical—it was a delightful way to start the week, and a bit of whimsical relief for Glass Knife staff, working hard up to the last minute before the final deadline:



On Monday we had Mrs. Talamantes talk to Seniors about what to pack for college, and Tuesday were honored to have Fr. Onesphore, head of Rulindo parish and schools, give a lunchtime Q&A with Seniors to chat a bit about Country Day’s partnership with the Rulindo School in Rwanda.

Senior Seminars continued throughout the week, and Ms. Melinson gave her annual talk about college research and libraries. She contacted each librarian of the Seniors’ chosen universities to get advice about making the transition to college research as smoothly as possible. That’s a lot of librarians! And…there were cookies. So many cookies.

We also had our final Book Club of the school year, and Ms. Melinson had summer reading book talks with the 7th Grade English classes. Friday we had career panels for Seniors, and below check out one of the special guests!