Week in Review: World Cultures Edition

We’ve had fun celebrating world cultures this week at Country Day!

We kicked off the celebration with our annual Polyglot Cat in the Hat. Students and faculty took turns reading The Cat in the Hat in 30 languages, including ASCII, Yiddish, and Old English, much to the delight of our visiting second graders.

On Thursday we toured the world via the Passport Lunch. In the library, Ms. Melinson’s advisory featured yummy noodles from around the world.


The week ended with an assembly starring Fenix Drum, a West African, Congolese, and Caribbean drum and dance troupe.


We visited the fourth grade Wax Museum on Wednesday where students dressed in pioneer garb and presented information as the famous pioneers they researched.

Week in Review: Valentine’s Edition

Love overtook the Matthews Library this week!

On Monday the Glass Knife held the annual Love/Hate Valentine’s Bake Sale, selling yummy treats benefitting their retreat.

Tuesday was the inaugural meeting of the Harry Potter Club. Students were greeted with treats and Harry Potter themed Valentine’s cards then got to business on making chocolate frogs.

The library also had special visitors on Tuesday: singing Valentines for Ms. Melinson!

On Thursday Ms. LaMay’s book elective class visited to check out our Blind Date with a Book display. There were many dates and hopefully some successful matches!

On Friday Alexa and Gabi presented during the Leadership Lunch and talked about the LatinX club, explaining who they are, what they do, and encouraging all students to join.

Bonus: Friday was the 100th day of school! The kindergarteners marched around campus and through the library in celebration of the 100th day of school.


Windy Week in Review

It’s been a wet and windy week, which made it a great time for Mr. Grunst’s 8th graders to learn about inclement weather! They’ve been coming in all week to research for their severe weather projects.

Tuesday we had Cookies, Coloring, and Conversation in the library. (The Oreos were a big hit!)

On Thursday and Friday, the MOGAI club was selling adorable handmade Valentine’s Day cards outside of the library. Don’t worry, if you still need a card, they’ll be back on Tuesday!

To keep with the Valentine’s Day theme, check out what’s happening next week: blind date with a book!


Here’s Mr. Neukom returning the book Romanticism for the last time.

February Book Club

On Wednesday we had our monthly Book Club meeting with brownies and hot apple cider.


Ms. Melinson talked about some recent award winning books, including March: Book Three, When the Moon was Ours, and The Sun is Also a Star. She also talked about a new book from Veronica Roth, author of the Divergent series, called Carve the Mark.

Christian joked that he read The Short History of WWII for his history class, which led to a discussion on textbooks. Yumi talked about finishing The Red Queen and starting the sequel, The Glass Sword. She said it was good, but confusing because of all of the different plots.

Heloise talked about reading The World According to Anna and Carry On, which was kind of a companion book to Fangirl, but too much like Harry Potter and not as good. This led to Dr. Baird wondering about second novels not living up to the hype of the first and Dr. Bell cited Catch-22 as an example.

Larkin mentioned she read The Cursed Child, but found it disappointing. Becca said she read Genius: The Game and loved it, but was disappointed in its abrupt ending. Maryjane talked about a book with a rather interesting title, The Diary of an Oxygen Thief. Anny talked about looking forward to Dragonwatch, the sequel to the Fablehaven series.

For all of the books we talked about this month, check out our Goodreads page!

Week in Review

On Monday we hosted the Breakthrough Cavaliers lunch where they had good news to discuss: Breakthrough is back!

We’ve had a rather historical week with Ms. Nellis’ 9th grade History classes visiting to research for their Ancient Civilizations projects.

On Wednesday we had our monthly Book Club where faculty and students talked about what books they were reading over brownies and hot apple cider.

Students were very excited about the puzzle we had out last week for National Puzzle Day so we kept it out and they were able to finish it this week!

And to top off a blustery Friday, Ms. Melinson set up a tea station in the library!