Some Really Pretty Photos From Ms. Monahan’s Photography Class

Ms. Monahan’s photography class took a trip to McKinley Park last week to practice their skills in nature photography. We’re delighted to share these awesome photos with you, just try not to get too jealous about their adventures in the beautiful sunshine.

P.S. Be sure to click on each photo to see it in full-size (and with captions!).


Digital Photography Class

Ms. Monahan’s Digital Photography class has been busy this year! The photos above were taken on campus during Spring and also at McKinley Park during a field trip.

Ms. Monahan would like to invite everyone to visit Room 11 in the middle school during Open House (5/1) to see more student work on display. The students will also have artwork featured on the Front Office screen at the end of May/beginning of June. Be on the lookout!