Holiday Break Reading Recommendations

Cover of the book, A Bee in a CathedralOver the past few months the library has purchased many interesting non-fiction books. We thought it would be fun to share some of the titles with you in our annual holiday reading list for faculty. The list also includes fiction titles, as well as books recommended by faculty members. We hope you get plenty of time to relax and enjoy good books this holiday break!

Best Books of 2012

It’s that time of year for the best of 2012 lists to start appearing, and School Library Journal has posted their best books of 2012 selections. We have quite a few of them in our collection, so come by the library and check one out!
The Fault in Our Stars by John Green.The Raven Boys by Maggie StiefvaterUnder the Never Sky by Veronica Rossi.

Visiting Folklorist

Photos from folklorist visit to library. Yesterday we had a special guest in the library to entertain our Spanish classes. Doctora Portillo invited Argentinian folklorist, Suni Paz, to perform for students and teachers. She sang and played the guitar, castanets, and an armadillo ukulele (made from a real armadillo). She also encouraged everyone to sing along and let people try out the other instruments she brought with her, including a tambourine, guiros, a drum, and a goat toenail rattle. By the end of her second performance, everyone was either playing an instrument or dancing!