March: Music in Our Schools Month


During lunch on Tuesday and Thursday we had multiple chamber groups delighting us with their melodies—all in honor of Music in Our Schools Month. We hope to have performances on a regular basis next year. We love having a musical library!

March Book Club

Today’s book club featured a spread of not only our traditional brownies, but also some amazing homemade chocolate and lemon pound cakes crafted by the lovely Ms. Melinson. We had lively discussions about the books we’ve all been reading (or want to read!), and the topics varied; from books about being stranded on Mars, to books about man-eating horses who race under water.

Ms. Melinson spoke about our new Alex Awards display in the library—every year these awards are given to adult fiction titles that appeal to young adults, ages 12-18. We have a lot of these titles in the library available for check out, and if you click this here link, you can see a list of our selections!

We also added to our regular list of recommended book club reads, click here to see those.

Read Across America Day

Today we were delighted to honor Read Across America Day in the library! Every year, we transform our space into the groovy lava lounge, and throughout the day we have classes come in to read, complete fun Seuss-related coloring activities—and also hang out on bean bags and giant whale-shaped pillows.

AND there was hot chocolate. Can it get any better than that?

Yes. Yes it can. We also served up gourmet coffee (Chemex-style, prepared by yours truly) and treats to the teachers for all their hard work. From 2:30-2:45 we participated in an all-school read to honor Dr. Seuss’s birthday. All in all, it was a pretty super-duper-fantastic day in the library—but we’re still waiting for those green eggs and ham.