April TED Tuesday

Today’s lunchtime TED Talk featured poet Billy Collins. In collaboration with the Sundance Channel, several of his poems were turned into animated short films, and five of them are shown during the Talk.

Collins is a two-term U.S. Poet Laureate. He has written over a dozen books of poetry, and more information about him can be found at the Poetry Foundation.

Digital Photography Class

Ms. Monahan’s Digital Photography class has been busy this year! The photos above were taken on campus during Spring and also at McKinley Park during a field trip.

Ms. Monahan would like to invite everyone to visit Room 11 in the middle school during Open House (5/1) to see more student work on display. The students will also have artwork featured on the Front Office screen at the end of May/beginning of June. Be on the lookout!

Talent Show and…Eggs?


Today we had the high school talent show, followed by a surprise Easter egg treasure hunt sponsored by the student council. Eggs were hidden all over campus and were filled not only with candy, but bonus points/homework passes for select classes. Matthews library was very eggy for about five minutes–until all eggs were gleefully spotted.

Gary the Festive Gargoyle was tickled pink to be chosen as a hiding spot.