March Book Club

We held Book Club on a Tuesday this month as part of our secret library agenda to Throw You Off Your Rhythm, Country Day! Not really, there was just a college counseling meeting already scheduled for this Wednesday and a Leadership Lunch next Wednesday, and we simply could not wait any longer to hear what books our club read over their mid-winter break.

Ms. Melinson delivered a book recommendation from Mr. Cunningham (book pictured above) titled The Five Lives of Hilma Af Klint. It is a graphic novel biography of the Swedish artist and mystic, Hilma Af Klint. Ms. Melinson herself was so intrigued by its vibrant colors and unique subject matter that it’s been added to her TBR pile, and will very likely find its way into the Matthews’ collection shortly. Ms. Melinson went on to talk to us a little bit about poetry, as Poetry Month is coming up quickly. She recommended the poets Mary Oliver, Sarah Kay, Phil Kaye, Ada Limón, and Langston Hughes.

Jess read Opposite of Always by Justin A. Reynolds, a time-loop romance with tragic consequences. She spoiled it a bit for us, but we’ll spare those details. Suffice it to say, Jess enjoys a happily ever after in her romances.

Suketa read the magazine article “The Mountains of Pi” by Richard Preston. It is the true story of two brothers who build a supercomputer out of mail-order parts in order to calculate the most digits of pi ever calculated.

Jordyn did not finish Vagabonds! because the narration style did not suit her fancies. Instead, she dove into Leigh Bardugo’s Six of Crows, and is enthralled by the quick world building and witty characters.

Radha is reading Shape: The Hidden Geometry of Information, Biology, Strategy, Democracy, and Everything Else, by Jordan Ellenberg. She describes it as a cocky author’s view of the world.

Mr. Comer read Philodemus’ On Anger over break, and has also been thoroughly enjoying Usagi Yojimbo, a graphic novel collection about a rabbit swordsman who also appeared in the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles franchise.

Rachel is enjoying her read of The Princess Bride in spite of the marked differences between the book and the beloved classic movie.

We also discussed the possibility of getting student book recommendations up on our slat wall displays, which has been done in the past. Look forward to seeing more of those in the library moving forward!

For a list of all the books discussed at High School Book Club over the years, see our Goodreads page here!
